History and timeline of Croatian Statistical Association conferences:
4th International Statistical Conference in Croatia
May 5-6, Opatija
Keynote speakers:
Nebojša Stojčić
Economic effects of entrepreneurial zones:
The cavets of spatial direct and indirect effects
Josip Mikulić
Refelctive-formative confusion and common
Misconceptions in structural equations modelling
3rd International Ststistical Conference in Croatia
October 15-16, Zagreb
Keynote speakers:
Veljko Jeremić
Road to a world-class university: Measuring excellence in the field of statistics and operational research
Josip Arnerić
Volatility estimation using high frequency
data: Challenges and issues
2nd International Ststistical Conference in Croatia
May 10-11, Opatija
Keynote speakers:
Amanda L. Golbeck
Ingram Olkin: A vocal advocate for women in statisistics
Marko Krištof
How European Union legislation cahnged the official statistics
Wolfgank K. Hardle
Data science and digial scitey
1st International Ststistical Conference in Croatia
May 5-6, Zagreb
Keynote speaker:
Ante Rozga
New development sin seasonal adjustments