Hrvatsko Statističko Društvo
- Aktivno djeluje na razvoj statističke teorije i prakse, unaprjeđenje statistike te podizanje opće statističke kulture.
- Udruga u skladu s ciljevima djeluje na području obrazovanja, znanosti i istraživanja.
ISCCRO Konferencije
Hrvatsko statističko društvo organizira međunarodne znanstvene konferencije od 2016. godine
Održane konferencije
CREBSS Journal
Znanstveni časopis, indeksiran u referentnim citatnim bazama, izdaje Hrvatsko statističko društvo
Objavljenih članaka
HSD Članstvo
Članstvo u Hrvatskom statističkom društvu može biti redovito i počasno te pruža višestruke benefite
Aktivnih članova
Hrvatsko statističko društvo (HSD) ima sljedeću misiju:
- promociju stručnih poslova u području statistike;
- integraciju statističara u Republici Hrvatskoj;
- promicanje međunarodne suradnje u području statistike;
- brigu za kvalitetu statističkog obrazovanja;
- brigu za ugled statistike u javnosti;
- brigu da vrijednost statistike bude prepoznata kroz uspješno vođenje gospodarske politike za dobrobit sviju, od naselja do države;
- kontinuirano unapređenje statističke pismenosti na svim razinama društva.
Croatian Statistical Association (CSA), founded in 2005, was activated at the beginning of 2015, in accordance to the Law on financial business and non-profit organizations, announced in October 2014
HSD Predsjednici:

Anita Čeh Časni
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia

Berislav Žmuk
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia

Mirjana Pejić Bach
PhD, Full Professor Tenured, Department of Informatics, University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia

Ksenija Dumičić
PhD, Full Professor Tenured, Department of Statistics, University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia
Jakov Gelo
PhD, Croatian Bureau of Statistics Director General & Full Professor in Demography, Department of Demography, University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia
Cilj Hrvatsko statističko društvo ostvaruje slijedećim djelatnostima:
- udruživanjem fizičkih i pravnih osoba koji se bave statističkom teorijom i praksom te onih koji sadržaj svog rada prepoznaju u programu rada Društva
- podupiranjem znanstvenog, istraživačkoga i stručnog rada, popularizacijom struke te cjelokupnim razvojem i promicanjem djelatnosti službene statistike i statističke struke
- suradnjom i povezivanjem sa srodnim društvima i tijelima, razmjenom znanja i iskustva te stručnim usavršavanjem članova Društva
- nastojanjima na znanstveno-istraživačkom pristupu strateškim i programskim statističkim dokumentima
- davanjem mišljenja o temama vezanima za statistički sustava, o uvođenju novih statističkih aktivnosti, o metodološkim osnovama za obuhvatnija i/ili važnija statistička istraživanja i slično, organiziranjem i sudjelovanjem na znanstveno-stručnim skupovima i simpozijima, kongresima, konferencijama, seminarima, stručnim predavanjima i tribinama iz područja statistike i drugih tematskih područja
- objavljivanjem stručnih radova, rasprava i časopisa Društva u skladu s posebnim propisima te informiranjem članstva o aktivnostima Društva
- razmatranjem i utjecanjem na nastavne i obrazovne programe iz područja statistike
- ustrojavanjem stručne statističke biblioteke u skladu s posebnim propisima te njezinima obogaćivanjem novijim izdanjima i ostalom stručnom literaturom
- dodjelom nagrada i drugih priznanja za rad na području statističke djelatnosti
- davanjem mišljenja, prijedloga i primjedaba na propise koji uređuju ili imaju utjecaj na područje službene statistike
- poticanjem i promicanjem međunarodne suradnje na području statistike
- drugim djelatnostima u skladu sa zakonom i odlukama Skupštine prema cilju osnivanja određenome Statutom.
History and timeline of Croatian Statistical Association:
The 11th General Assembly was held on 14 February 2023.
Croatian Statistical Association Committees 2023-2025
President: Anita Čeh Časni
Vice-president: Sabina Hodžić
Secretary: Davor Galinec
Steering Committee:
1. Anita Čeh Časni (President)
2. Sabina Hodžić
3. Josip Arnerić
4. Milan Deskar-Škrbić
5. Irena Palić
6. Luka Šikić
7. Berislav Žmuk
Supervisory Board:
1. Anamarija Jazbec
2. Marijana Kožul
3. Marko Krištof
The Fourth International Statistical Conference in Croatia – ISCCRO’22, with the topic: “Applied Statistical Methods – Current trends and issues “, was held from the 5th to the 6th May 2022 in Opatija, Croatia. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the ISCCRO’22 conference was held for the first time as a hybrid conference (virtual online and onsite). Despite the new surrounding and online environment, the conference, covering statistical and related cross and multi-disciplinary fields, topics and areas, provided a platform for international networking and exchange of ideas on various aspects of theory and applications of statistics and related professional and scientific areas.
The new Editors-in-Chief of the Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics (CREBSS):
Berislav Žmuk, Univ. of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Dept. of Statistics, Zagreb, Croatia;
Anita Čeh Časni, Univ. of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Dept. of Statistics, Zagreb, Croatia.
The Third International Statistical Conference in Croatia – ISCCRO’20, with the topic: “Contemporary Issues in Statistical Methods and Data Science Applications “, was held from the 15th to the 16th October 2020 as Virtual Online Conference hosted from Zagreb, Croatia. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the ISCCRO’20 conference was held for the first time as a virtual online conference. Despite the new surrounding and online environment, the conference, covering statistical and related cross and multi-disciplinary fields, topics and areas, provided a platform for international networking and exchange of ideas on various aspects of theory and applications of statistics and related professional and scientific areas.
The 6th General Assembly was held on 14 February 2019.
The 7th General Assembly was held on 25 October 2019.
Croatian Statistical Association Committees 2019-2023 (partially re-elected)
President: Berislav Žmuk
Vice-president: Marko Krištof
Secretary: Anita Čeh Časni
In February 2018: The CSA Section “Women in Statistics“ was founded on 23 February 2018 (upon the CSA Steering Committee decision since 16 February 2018). Founder, being its’ first Chair (2018-2019), has been Mrs Ksenija Dumičić, PhD, Full Professor Tenured, Department of Statistics, University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business. There were 22 co-founders of the Section.
In March 2018 – Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics (CREBSS) has been indexed in EconLit scientific base. List of scientific bases for abstracting and indexing are listed at De Gruyter’s service Sciendo.
In May 2018 – The Croatian Statistical Association has been organizing The Second International Statistical Conference in Croatia, 10-11 May, 2018, Opatija, Croatia; CONFERENCE TOPIC: „New Advances in Statistical Methods Applications for a Better World“.
The Croatian Statistical Association successfully organized The 22nd Young Statisticians Meeting (YSM2017), October 13-15, 2017, Zagreb, Croatia.
Venue: School of Medicine, „Andrija Stampar“ School of Public Health, University of Zagreb, Address: Rockefellerova 4, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Co-organizer: School of Medicine, „Andrija Stampar“ School of Public Health, University of Zagreb,
YSM Supporters: Croatian Biometric Society; Faculty of Economics and Business, University of ZagrebThere 15 young statisticians, by three from each of the following countries: Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia, being as the Invited Speakers presented their papers in front of the international statistical audience, with the goal to improve their statistical skills. Croatia was represented by three doctoral students: (the CSA member) Ivana Lolić from Zagreb, (the CSA member) Ivan Papić from Osijek and by Iva Budimir from Split.
The Croatian Statistical Association founded the first statistical conference in Croatia ISCCRO’16, fully named: The 1st International Statistical Conference in Croatia, 05-06 May 2016, Zagreb, Croatia; TOPIC: „New Challenges of Official and Applied Statistics in the European Union. It attracted about 120 authors from 11 countries with 55 presentations.
At the ISCCRO’16, two publications were published: (1) the Book of Abstracts included 55 Abstracts, and (2) the CD with Proceedings of the ISCCRO Conference included 34 full scientific papers.
The Croatian Statistical Association first section, named “Club R“, was founded on 23 September 2016 with the first Chair of the Section, Mr Josip Arnerić, PhD, Assoc. Professor at the Department of Statistics, University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business. There were 8 co-founders of Club R.
The Croatian Statistical Association journal Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics (CREBSS) appeared as an open access journal published by the Publisher De Gruyter.
Director General of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Mr Marko Krištof, initiated the refreshment of the activities of the Croatian Statistical Association, with an imperative to adjust it to the current Law on Non-profits Organizations in Croatia. In February 2015, the Croatian Statistical Association had its re-founding meeting.
The second President of the Croatian Statistical Association was elected and it has been Mrs Ksenija Dumičić, PhD
The Statutes of the Croatian Statistical Association (Statut Hrvatskoga statističkog društva) has been officially available since 6 February 2015.
The Croatian Statistical Association founded and published the first Croatian statistical journal named Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics (CREBSS) with two paper issues per year.
In 2005 – Director General of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Mr Jakov Gelo, PhD, initiated the founding of the new Croatian Statistical Association – CSA (Hrvatsko statističko društvo – HSD).
The presentation of the newly founded Croatian Statistical Association was given at the 130th anniversary celebration of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics held in the Croatian Chamber of Economy.
The first President of the Croatian Statistical Association was Mr Jakov Gelo, PhD, Director General of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics (and Full Professor in Demography, at the Department of Demography, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb).
In the period 2005 – 2015 the Croatian Statistical Association was inactive.